Hello, I'm a little behind on blogging so far but I'll make up it up by doing one blog a day! Okay so recently or should I say a week ago we went down to city college. I clearly remember the weather was horrible and the parking almost drew me insane and I wasn't even the one driving. But! In the end it was definitely worth it. We got to listen to a historical presentation by Judy Patacsil and co-author Felix Tuyay about a book they released on Filipinos in San Diego.
Judy Patacsil shared with us about Filipinos in San Diego and had a slide show full of pictures of Filipino's which was divided into five chapters 1)Early pioneer and settlers 2)Foundation and community 3)Military life 4)Forging identities 5)Contribution to the community. The collection of each picture had an individual story behind it which she interpreted to us. One story which caught my attention was actually one not told by her, but by a fellow who told a more personal story by allowing us to get in tuned with his families history. He basically went on to tell the tale of his father who went on to get married around four times with a moral of everything happens for a reason because he told us if his father would haven't got married that fourth wife around or so he wouldn't have been born.
Overall Judy Patacsil presentation really allowed me to get a closer look of my race and how they came to be in San Diego.
Great overall summary of Dr. Patacsils entire book fair event! Her overall discussion of the novel and reflection on the Filipino culture in America made me see a different perspective of my culture as well as relate to some similarities that I see.